Metolius River Forest Homeowners Association

A place for posting matters of importance to Cabin Owners and their visitors, along the Metolius River in Deschutes National Forest, Camp Sherman, Oregon

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Monday, December 28, 2009

Metolius River Basin & Destnation Resorts

It was brought to our attention that the Jefferson County Commissioners was rumored to be contemplating INCLUDING the two proposed sites in the Metolius River Basin in their mapping of destination resort designations in defiance of the recent 'ban' signed by the Governor of Oregon. No one really knew what this might mean.

NOW comes word that this will NOT happen, but rather the following statement has been issued:

"The Jefferson County Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to remove the two contested Metolius Basin sites from the County's Destination Resort Eligibility Map. The Commission directed staff to prepare an ordinance for adoption that provides the Comprehensive Plan basis as well as the necessary zoning standards to regulate any future proposals however no map will be adopted identifying resort eligible sites. This action provides the framework for resort proposals outside of the Metolius Area of Critical State Concern to be reviewed for compliance with state and county requirements in the future. The first reading of the ordinance will be January 13, 2010."
John Skidmore, AICP Planning Director/CDD Manager, Jefferson County

This may finally slam the door on the issue, but can one ever really be sure?

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MRFHA - Camp Sherman

MRFHA - Camp Sherman
Metolius River