Metolius River Forest Homeowners Association

A place for posting matters of importance to Cabin Owners and their visitors, along the Metolius River in Deschutes National Forest, Camp Sherman, Oregon

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Friday, July 6, 2007


Ladies and gentlemen, we badly need to form a group of interested cabin owners to do a review of lots and locate compariables we can live with to supply the FS's lot appraisers when they begin the process very soon. If enough of you step forward there will be less work for all. If you don't care what fees you pay for your lot then you may not want to be involved. If you DO care, call Mark (503-224-2262) or write me at I'll give you the details then. Hey, if you have any Real Estate experience thats a plus, but not at all required.

And on a different, but related matter, if your Metolius River FS lot has two 'cabins' on it, (I'm not talking about a utility shed of 130 sqft or less, but a second building you use), then WRITE me right away. There is a matter of VITAL importance we need to discuss. Trust me, you'll want to hear about this.

Possessory Intrest Tax - Update!

If you went to the anual meeting you know that a tax we cabin owners have NEVER paid, but have always had hanging over our heads has finally gone away, forever (we hope). The Oregon legislature just ending voted to repeal a tax we cabin owners have been trying to defeat for years! So that at least can be one less concern for all of us. Kinda nice to have some good news to report, now and then.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Annual Meeting Recap - MRFHA

A lot, and I mean A LOT, of good stuff was covered at the Annual Cabins Owners meeting this past June 30th; if you missed it it may be wise to check here often as we periodically add excerpts and content to fill in between now and the Picnic on Sept 2nd at the Johnson property.

We lost two valuable 'public servants as Carol Enyart and Don DeFrancq retired from the board. Don actually completed a 9 year service to MRFHA, for which we should all be most grateful. He's guided us through some perilous mine fields with nary a small trick. Don, we are all indebted to you.

Water, and our access to it was discussed. Those not holding a certificate to access Metolius surface (stream) water will NOT be able to secure one, as they are not being issued any longer. There ARE other ways to assure you have access to water. Get a hold of a MRFHA board member if you have concerns.

Fire protection and defensible space was again a topic. We can't imagine and day that it won't be. Don't be lulled into complacency. I mean, its not like a matter of life and death...No, its more important than that!

Yes it really has been almost 10 years since the last cabin lot appraisal, the basis for determining fees. We expect that within the next 9-12 months our lots will be re-appraised. We sorely need volunteers to contact us to help with the process of finding comparibles that reflect the values we'd like to see assigned. To put it into someone else's hands is just plain risky. Please contact ANY MRFHA board member and say you want to be involved. If you happen to have real estate experience we love you even more!

MRFHA - Camp Sherman

MRFHA - Camp Sherman
Metolius River