The Oregon Forest Homeowners have alerted us and now we
alert all of you...READ your new permit, and compare it to your old one ... See below the parsed e-mail message from OFHA; then and do the right thing to protect yourself.
"Hey, when did cabin ownership get so COMPLICATED?"
Answer: "It's a twenty year Permit Renewal thing!
> To all Oregon Tract boards,
> A couple of calls have come from tract representatives concerning the new phrases and terminology included in our new permits. As a reminder, OFHA and NFH recommend the following action concerning your new permit.
1. Compare your old permit to the new permit. Look for differences, errors and omissions. (For example, our cabin has suddenly gained an outhouse. It appeared on our compliance inspection last summer and I was instructed to tear it down and now it is on our new permit. It wasn't on our old permit nor on any inspection in the years prior to last year.) Now is the time to fix errors.
2. Read the permit information on the NFH web site: on the left side of the home page, below "News Flash", click on "Reserving Your Rights." The information from NFH is thorough and should be understood by each permit holder before signing and returning your permit. This information will help you protect your rights as a permit holder. The web site also addresses what to do if you have already signed and returned your permit and paid your permit fee.
> Sharon Karr
> OFHA C2 Rep.
> O: 541.549.8592