Metolius River Forest Homeowners Association

A place for posting matters of importance to Cabin Owners and their visitors, along the Metolius River in Deschutes National Forest, Camp Sherman, Oregon

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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

News Updates from the NFH On Cabin Fees

As a result of work by many including those who have contacted their legislators AND our Cabin Associations the Congress will consider a moratorium on the upcoming fee increases related to the most recent appraisals for a year or until such time as they have had a chance to review the issues related to amending/ changing the CUFFA rules. This is by no means certain and only notice by the Forest Service should be considered final, but its not bad news and gives cabin owners hope that their pleas will get a fair hearing.

In order that the Cabin Coalition 2/NFH is properly armed to carry our message to Congress they ask all cabin owners NATIONWIDE to complete a survey. Please follow the link if you are a cabin Permittee ...
NFH Cabin Survey

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

CUFFA Review Cabin Coalition 2 with OFHA & NFH Links

C2 has been extremely busy this summer working toward obtaining a hearing. No new news yet, but we remain hopeful. Important meetings are taking place in California and Oregon this week and next, with Senator Feinstein's staff and Senator Wyden's staff.

The following week, Sept. 23-25, a key group of C2 representatives will return to Washington D.C. to introduce the C2 fee model proposal to the Forest Service and key politicians.

In tandem, we are working on gaining political support for a moratorium to save cabins in peril this next season when high 2010 permit bills become due.

Click to see added recent newspaper articles to the OFHA web site

In these articles the distinction between a lease and a permit were made to the reporters. It seems the news can't quite distinguish between the two.

Calls and emails with your feedback on the C2 fee model proposal, participating in regional Think Tanks and providing support have all been appreciated. It is gratifying how many Oregon cabin owners are engaged and closely watching the C2 efforts, hoping for a resolution to the current CUFFA appraisal situation.

An update of the activities in Washington, D.C. should be emailed to us in late Sept.

Check out the NFH Blog as it contains the latest NFH information.

The Station Fire in southern California has consumed a number of cabins. A sad end to summer for those folks.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

VERY LATE NOTICE of IMPORTANT MEETING affecting Cabin Owners and Camp Sherman Property Owners!

This message is intended as notice for anyone checking this site that might be in Camp Sherman and have an interest in attending an important meeting scheduled by the Jefferson County Commissioners to hear what we guess is a description of some VERY IMPORTANT land use changes they wish to impose on property owners in the Metolius Basin.

We'd have posted this earlier had we known

The meeting is scheduled for 6PM tonight, Sept 2nd, at the Camp Sherman Community Hall.

You may check with the Camp Sherman Store to verify the time has not changed.

PS: After the fact it turns out the Commissioners intended this session as a 'meet and greet' during which they wished to get a flavor of what the Camp Sherman people would like to see in an implementing management plan, following the designation of the Metolius Basin as an "Area of Critical Concern".

More on this meeting in a subsequent article. Check back later.

MRFHA - Camp Sherman

MRFHA - Camp Sherman
Metolius River