Well folks reform takes time, but doing it right is almost always more important than doing it fast. To that end we've received a blurb telling us that the proposal to amend the fee structure and bring it back down to earth is still in the formation stage, but soon to be introduced for discussion in Washington.
There had previously been an announcement from Congressman Doc Hastings that he would be introducing the revised approach to the cabin user fee fairness act. It's advisable that interested parties visit the National Forest Homeowner site to to familiarize themselves with the proposal, rather than be surprised later. We've written about it here a bit and will cover it again (and again) as the 'cement begins to firm up'. You'll find a link to the NFH at this site.
The introduction of the new CFA has not yet taken place, yet. The delay is due in part to concerns about which committee the Bill would be assigned to. Focus has been on the Natural Resources Subcommittee on National Park, Forests and Public Lands. Mr. Jim Streeter, who is working for Cong. Doc Hastings and is the minority Staff Director for the Natural Resources Committee, believes that the bill, as written, would probably be referred instead to the Agriculture Committee and then assigned to a sub-committee that has few members representing cabin states. There is concern that this subcommittee's interest level in our concerns would be less than with the Forests Subcommittee. Therefore, a few slight changes have been made that MAY encourage the House Parliamentarian, who refers all bills to designated committees, to send the CFA to Natural Resources.
None of the substance of the bill will be changed, only that we are suggesting a study to include Bureau of Reclamation cabins and targeting cabins on the Forest Reserves because the Natural Resources Committee has that jurisdiction. These are minor technical and/or temporary revisions to the bill that hopefully will influence the assignment in our favor.
A tentative hearing date was set for February 25. However, with the question about committee assignments and the total shutdown in DC due to record snow and the Congressional recess (just like in grade school) planned for next week, it's likely there will be a change in that date. Regardless, C2 has been pressing ahead with planning and organizing for that hearing date. Testimony is being written, supporting documents are being finalized and organized and potential witnesses are being identified. Our NFH is doing their best to present a clear, concise picture of the problem to Congress and present a solid defensible solution in the CFA.
As we are updated we'll share what news we get here. In the meantime, you can be preparing your next appeal to your Congressmen and women to support and co-sponsor the CFA.
Questions or concerns? The best contacts are either of these hard working folks....
Peter D. Bailey
NFH Director & C2 Legislative Contact chair
253-383-2388 Home Office
253-312-0777 Cell
Aubrey C. King
NFH Washington Representative
11914 Grason Lane
Bowie, MD 20715-4012
O 301.464.8060
F 301.464.5232
C 202.251.6845
NFH Director & C2 Legislative Contact chair
253-383-2388 Home Office
253-312-0777 Cell
Aubrey C. King
NFH Washington Representative
11914 Grason Lane
Bowie, MD 20715-4012
O 301.464.8060
F 301.464.5232
C 202.251.6845