Sunday, April 25, 2010
A Message from Peter Bailey ~ NFH Director & C2 Legislative Contact Chair
HR 4888 SubcommitteeHearing
The subcommittee hearing for HR 4888, the Cabin Fee Act of 2010 or C2, occurred on Thursday, April 22nd. Sharon Karr was present in Washington, DC. She kindly posted on the NFH website a link to an audio recording and text from Thursday’s hearing. Click on the following link to access either option:
Sharon also indicated that Congressional members are hearing from cabin owners about the importance of supporting C2. If you would like to write a letter to be included in the public record for HR. 4888, please send it via email to United, active voices are imperative to usher this bill to success! Stay tuned for further updates.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
A Message from Peter Bailey ~ NFH Director & C2 Legislative Contact Chair
The chair of this subcommittee is Cong. Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) and Rob Bishop (R-UT) is the Ranking Member. We expect Bill Co-sponsor, Cong. Jim Costa, to participate. Also, on this subcommittee from cabin states are the following:
Dale E. Kildee, Michigan
Grace F. Napolitano, California
Martin Heinrich, New Mexico
Peter A. DeFazio, Oregon
Diana DeGette, Colorado
Ron Kind, Wisconsin
Lois Capps, California
Jay Inslee, Washington
Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, South Dakota
Nick J. Rahall, II, West Virginia (ex officio)
Don Young, Alaska
Elton Gallegly, California
John J. Duncan, Jr., Tennessee
Jeff Flake, Arizona
Henry E. Brown, Jr., South Carolina
Bill Shuster, Pennsylvania
Mike Coffman, Colorado
Cynthia M. Lummis, Wyoming
Tom McClintock, California
Doc Hastings, Washington (ex officio)
Action Request: If you are a constituent of their district, please make the effort (once again) to phone, email or fax your Congressperson with the request for their positive support of the Cabin Fee Act and participation in the Hearing. Feel free to include the two documents as well for their review. Grassroots action works and is needed. Please do it today!
In just a few weeks, we will be convening in Reno, NV for the 2010 NFH Convention, April 15-18. We hope that everyone makes the effort to attend during this challenging time. Please review the latest NFH newsletter for details.
Peter D. Bailey
NFH Director & C2 Legislative Contact chair
253-383-2388 Home Office
253-312-0777 Cell