Metolius River Forest Homeowners Association

A place for posting matters of importance to Cabin Owners and their visitors, along the Metolius River in Deschutes National Forest, Camp Sherman, Oregon

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Monday, June 25, 2012

MRFHA Correspondence

Annual MRFHA MEETING: July 7th, 1:00. Camp Sherman Community Hall.

A big “thank you,” to Andrew Byrne and Kathy Krause for agreeing to be nominated for the two open board positions.

Please contact for the the Cabin Use Fee Form and/or MRFHA Dues form. 

Friday, June 22, 2012

Call to Action

Oregon Cabin Owners -

The following information was shared today by Heath Heikkila of Ball Janik, who represents Oregon and Washington cabin owners in support of the Cabin Fee Act. Many of you deserve congratulations for your letters and phone calls encouraging the Senator's support. Please share this news at your upcoming tract meetings!

Thank you for your continued involvement and support of C2.
Sharon Karr
Oregon C2 Political Coordinator
Diamond Lake Tract

Oregon Senator Ron Wyden's office just indicated the he will be signing on as a cosponsor of S. 1906, the Cabin Fee Act.  Senator Wyden had previously indicated his support for the effort, but as the Chairman of the Subcommittee with jurisdiction over the Cabin Fee Act, his office has a policy of not cosponsoring this type of legislation until it has had a committee hearing.    
The Cabin Fee Act did receive a positive hearing in Senator Wyden's Public Lands and Forests Subcommittee on March 22.  Since then, significant progress has been made to position the legislation for a full Committee vote and eventual Congressional passage.  Wyden's active support for the legislation is a big boost since he is currently the Chairman of the relevant Subcommittee and is likely to be the Chairman of the full Energy and Natural Resources Committee next year.
Senator Wyden's office received many letters from cabin owners and tract presidents, so many of you deserve much of the credit for this positive development.  If you received a response to a letter or email from the Senator's office feel free to reply with a quick thank you for his support.  Meanwhile, our Washington representatives continue working with Senator Jeff Merkley's office in the hopes of encouraging him to sign on as a cosponsor.

Heath HeikkilaGovernment Affairs Advisor202.638.3307

MRFHA - Camp Sherman

MRFHA - Camp Sherman
Metolius River