Metolius River Forest Homeowners Association

A place for posting matters of importance to Cabin Owners and their visitors, along the Metolius River in Deschutes National Forest, Camp Sherman, Oregon

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Sunday, October 4, 2009

URGENT Survey Request!

Fellow Cabin Owners

Some of you may have already received this request. We apologize for the repeat email. This note is a reprint from one sent by the National Forest Homeowners and forwarded to some by the Oregon Forest Homeowners. This information and other pertinent info can be found at the MRFHA Blog site online

There is a limited time for participation in the survey linked below. Please respond to the survey by October 15 if can.

Recent developments require that the NFH expand and improve their knowledge of Cabin Sales and Appraisals in cabin tracts across the country. First, alarming appraisal results continue to be reported from most Forests. Second, our new Fee Proposal, (available by clicking here for the Alternative Fee Model Proposal from the C2 Coalition ), has been introduced to cabin owners, Legislators and Forest Service personnel, as widely as possible. Questions are being asked that this new survey addresses head on. The results will help inform discussions with Congress about our Fee Proposal and the impact of CUFFA on National Forest cabins throughout the country.

YOUR HELP is urgently needed!
Please complete this new Survey today!

This is important! Your contribution to a national database is essential to the future of the Recreation Residence Program. Your answers will help us understand the national appraisal and cabin sales picture better.

The cabin isn't just about us. It is about generations before us and more importantly about the generations to follow, our kids and grandkids. What are you doing to ensure this legacy lives on?

Your contribution is critical.

Reach out to your fellow cabin neighbors. Encourage them and provide them a way to complete this vitally important survey. Print a copy for them to complete and mail in, or suggest they sit down with a family member and complete the survey online. Every Cabin Counts!!! Help us paint this picture!

Survey response deadline of October 15, 2009.
Remember one response per cabin, too.

NOTE: The survey is by Forest and NOT by tract so select OR-Deschutes as your location

By Internet:

Click here to take the survey online:

By Mail:

1. Obtain a print version of the survey: available at OR use the attached PDF File (same thing)
2. Complete it:
3. Mail it to: NFH Survey, c/o: Meredith Randall, 410 Powers Court Ave, Milton, GA, 30004

Please direct support questions to
One of our NFH survey specialists will get back to you shortly.

Copyright © 2009 , National Forest Homeowners
Contact Details
Mary Clarke Ver Hoef, NFH Executive Director
1-800-669-9971 / FAX: 916-359-5271

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MRFHA - Camp Sherman

MRFHA - Camp Sherman
Metolius River