Metolius River Forest Homeowners Association

A place for posting matters of importance to Cabin Owners and their visitors, along the Metolius River in Deschutes National Forest, Camp Sherman, Oregon

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Friday, June 25, 2010

Cabin Coalition 2 Report from Sharon Karr

Oregon Update – June 24, 2010

C2 continues to work closely with Oregon’s political delegation, asking for their support of the Cabin Fee Act (CFA), H.R. 4888, the legislation replacing the CUFFA appraisal method of setting permit fees. Just this week, another Oregon co-sponsor has signed on, Rep. Wu from Oregon’s 1st district! This brings the bill’s co-sponsors to 25, already including Rep. Greg Walden. Walden has 756 cabins in Oregon’s 2nd district, many belonging to tracts with the highest appraisals in Oregon such as the Lake of the Woods, Rocky Pt., Odell Lake and Crescent Lake. Although Rep. Wu does not have Forest Service cabins in his district, many cabin owners live in this geographic area extending from the west-side of Portland, to the coast, and south into Yamhill County.

Throughout the spring, meetings have been held by C2 and cabin owners with the staff of Oregon representatives DeFazio, Schrader, Wu, and Blumenauer, along with Senator Merkley’s office. The focus of each meeting is answering their remaining questions, addressing revenue from permit fees and asking for their support. Assisting C2 in Oregon is the firm Ball Janik, thus engaging the support of local lobbyists. Ball Janik’s involvement is beneficial to bringing focus to political meetings by briefing cabin owners on the interests and agenda of politicians and their staff beforehand, helping us address the important issues.

One comment I found particularly interesting in a May meeting with political staff was the staff recommends a second appraisal when cabin owners call in and comment on their high appraisal result. What was not understood by the staff was the second appraisal date is the same as the first appraisal. The staff thought the cabin owner could pick a current date, thus benefiting from the impact of the economic downturn and lower real estate values we’re experiencing across Oregon. Addressing misunderstandings and explaining the long-term benefits of the CFA is an important aspect of these meetings, while emphasizing the affordable continuance of Oregon tracts like Lake of the Woods, Rocky Pt. and McKenzie River where permit fees will exceed $6,000 per year.

Without the letter writing by, and generous support of tracts and cabin owners across Oregon, C2 would not be on the cusp of change. C2 has received donations from many Oregon tracts and individuals, some donating multiple times. Thank you for your continued support.

All Oregon Cabin Lot Appraisals Completed

All appraisal results of typical lots for Oregon tracts are published. The following table summarizes the disparity in results for tracts appraised in 2008 versus the appraisals completed in 2009.[1] Permit fee revenue projections C2 has obtained from the Forest Service are pre-2009 appraisal completion. It is clear from this table, in Oregon alone, original revenue projections based on 141% average increase per cabin permit was not upheld by the 2009 Mt. Hood appraisal. Thus revenue collected from permit fees will be less than projected by the Forest Service’s early estimates. The importance of this revenue issue is described in Pete Bailey’s national report on the next page.

Appraisal Year

Oregon Tracts

# of Cabins

Average % Increase per Cabin


31 tracts across the state




10 Mt. Hood tracts



Enjoy the July 4th holiday,

Sharon Karr
NFH Treasurer & C2 Representative/Oregon C2 Political Liaison – Diamond Lake Tract

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