A message from Peter D. Bailey,
NFH Director & C2 Legislative Contact chair
The next six weeks, including August and early September, 2010, will be a critical time for the Cabin Fee Act (CFA), which has been so strongly supported by cabin owners everywhere as a solution to the excessively high fees resulting from the Cabin Users Fee Fairness Act (CUFFA). Congress will be “in recess” for District and State work periods and most Members of Congress will be home for constituent meetings. Cabin owners will likely have more than one opportunity in August and September to ask their Senators and Representatives to support our cause. If cabin owners cannot meet personally with their Senators and Representatives in their State or District offices or at local events, they should try to meet with their staff or phone, e-mail or write to their local offices.
Following the recess, Congress will reconvene in Washington, D.C., on September 14th with only sixteen legislative days before the targeted adjournment date of October 8th so the Members can return home to campaign for the November elections. Although there will likely be a “lame duck” session as long as two or three weeks following the elections, the agenda for that session will be very crowded and the outlook uncertain. This all means that we do not have much time to achieve our legislative goals this year. This is why August and September are so important. We simply do not have much time left to let Congress know how much cabin owners have at stake and how determined we are to achieve our goals: First, to enact the Cabin Fee Act. Second, if that cannot be done this year, to extend the moratorium on cabin fee increases for 2011.
The CFA (H.R. 4888 in the U.S. House of Representatives ) has been well received in Congress and moved at a rapid pace since its introduction in early March, with a successful April 22nd Hearing by the House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Public Lands and Forests and then, full Natural Resources Committee approval on July 22nd. Now Congress and cabin owners are awaiting a report on the budget impact of the CFA from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) – a prerequisite for final passage. The necessary letter requesting this CBO analysis was co-signed by Representatives Doc Hastings (R-WA), Jim Costa (D-CA) and Peter DeFazio (D-OR), all of whom should be thanked for that effort. (NOTE: Members of Congress can be told that cabin owners are confident that the CFA can be modified if necessary to accommodate any changes required by the CBO.)
In the meantime, key Senators are being asked to introduce and pass a Senate CFA . If enactment cannot be accomplished in the limited time left for this Congress, then cabin owners will need an extension of the moratorium on cabin fee increases Congress passed last year.
So, following are the main points to be stressed by cabin owners to their Senators and Representatives:
For Senators:
Support introduction and passage of the CFA in the Senate
If necessary, support an extension of the current moratorium on cabin fee increases for 2011
For Representatives
Pass the CFA on the floor of the House
If necessary, support a moratorium extension
ALL Senators and Representatives should be contacted if possible, with the following Members key because of:
(1) Their positions on committees/subcommittees that have vital jurisdiction over the CFA and/or the prospects for a moratorium; and/or
(2) A large number of cabin owners in their State or their Congressional District.
Senators and Representatives who have clearly indicated their support for cabin owners are noted in the following list and should be thanked, while urged to continue that support through final enactment of the CFA into law. The 27 bipartisan cosponsors of the House CFA (H.R. 4888) should be especially thanked. Also to be especially thanked are the cosponsors of the Senate Resolution in 2009 that established the moratorium on cabin fee increases for 2010. The list also includes the Senate and House Democratic leaders , Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), who could determine whether the CFA receives floor votes in the respective chambers.
For convenient reference, Senators and Representatives are grouped alphabetically by state.
Abbreviations are:
SA – Senate Appropriations Committee
SIA – Senate Interior Appropriations Subcommittee
ENR – Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee
PFL – Senate ENR Public Lands and Forests Subcommittee
HA – House Appropriations Committee
HIA – House Interior Appropriations Subcommittee
NR – House Natural Resources Committee
NPFPL – House NR Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands
“Ranking” identifies the top Republican on a committee or subcommittee.
Lisa Murkowski (R) Ranking, ENR – Member SA
Mark Begich (D)
Representative Don Young (R) NPFPL
Jon Kyl (R)
John McCain (R) PLF
Gabrielle Giffords (D-8th District), Cosponsor, H.R. 4888
Raul Grijalva (D-7) Chairman, NPFPL
Jeff Flake (R-6), NPFPL
Ed Pastor (D-4), HIA
Barbara Boxer (D)
Diane Feinstein (D), Chair, SIA
Joe Baca (D-43)
Ken Calvert (R-44), HIA
Lois Capps (D-23), NR
Dennis Cardoza (D-18)
Jim Costa (D-20), NR, Cosponsor, H.R. 4888, Co-signed necessary letter requesting CBO analysis)
Anna Eshoo (D-14), Cosponsor, H.R. 4888
Sam Farr (D-17), HA, Cosponsor, H.R. 4888
Elton Gallegly (R-24), NR
Wally Herger (R-2), Cosponsor, H.R. 4888
Mike Honda (D-15), HA
Duncan Hunter (R-52), Cosponsor, H.R. 4888
Jerry Lewis (R-41), Ranking, HA
Zoe Lofgren (D-16), Cosponsor, H.R. 4888
Tom McClintock (R-4), NR, Cosponsor, H.R. 4888
Jerry McInerney (D-11), Cosponsor, H.R. 4888
George Miller (D-7), NR
Grace Napolitano (D-38), NPFPL
Devin Nunes (R-21), Cosponsor, H.R. 4888
Nancy Pelosi (D-8) , Speaker of the House
George Radanovich (R-19), Cosponsor, H.R. 4888
Adam Schiff (D-29), HA
Jackie Spier (D-12), Cosponsor, H.R. 4888
Mike Thompson (D-1), Cosponsor, H.R. 4888
Lynn Woolsey (D-6), Cosponsor, H.R. 4888
Michael Bennet (D)
Mark Udall (D), NPFPL
Mike Coffman (R-6), NPFPL
Doug Lamborn (R-5), NPFPL
Michael Crapo (R), Cosponsor, 2009 Moratorium Resolution
James Risch (R) NPFPL, Cosponsor, 2009 Moratorium Resolution
Walt Minnick (D-1)
Mike Simpson (R-2), Ranking, HIA, Cosponsor, H.R. 4888
Senator Charles Grassley (R), Cosponsor, 2009 Moratorium Resolution
Dale Kildee (D-5), NPFPL
Senator Amy Klobuchar (D), Cosponsor, 2009 Moratorium Resolution
Collin C. Peterson (D-7) (Chairman, Agriculture Committee) (SPECIAL NOTE: It is possible that the Agriculture Committee could assert jurisdiction over the CFA and insist on a hearing. This would hold up progress on the bill, possibly delaying it until too late. Minnesota cabin owners should ask Chairman Peterson to agree to waive Agriculture Committee jurisdiction over the CFA.)
Michelle Bachmann (R-6)
Keith Ellison (D-5)
John P. Kline, Jr. (R-2)
Betty McCollum (D-4), HA
James Oberstar (D8)
Erik Paulsen (R-3), Cosponsor, H.R. 4888
Tim Walz (R-3)
Max Baucus (D), Cosponsor, 2009 Moratorium Resolution)
Jon Tester (D) Introduced 2009 Moratorium Resolution, Prime prospect to introduce CFA in Senate
Representative Dennis Rehberg (R), HA, Cosponsor, H.R. 4888
John Ensign, (R)
Harry Reid (D), Majority Leader of the Senate
Shelly Berkley (D-1)
Dean Heller (R-2)
Dina Titus (D-3)
Jeff Bingaman (D), Chairman, ENR
Tom Udall (D)
Ben R. Lujan (D)
Harry Teague (D)
Martin Heinrich (D-1), NPFPL
Richard M. Burr (R), ENR
Kay R. Hagan (D)
Virginia Fox (R-5)
David E. Price (D), HA
Heath Shuler (D-11)
Kent Conrad (D)
Byron Dorgan (D), Cosponsor, 2009 Moratorium Resolution
Representative Earl Pomeroy (D)
Jeff Merkley (D)
Ron Wyden (D), Chairman, PLF
Earl Blumenauer (D-3)
Peter DeFazio (D-4), NPFPL (co-signed necessary letter requesting CBO analysis)
Kurt Shrader (D-OR)
Greg Walden (R-2), Cosponsor, H.R. 4888
David Wu (OR-1), Cosponsor, H.R. 4888
Lamar Alexander (R), Ranking, SIA
Bob Corker (R), PLF
Lincoln Davis (D), HA
John Duncan (R), NPFPL
Zach Wamp (R), HA
Orrin G. Hatch (R)
Robert F. Bennett (R), SIA, PLF
Rob Bishop, (R-1), Ranking, NPFPL, Cosponsor, H.R. 4888
Jason Chaffetz (R-3), NR, Cosponsor, H.R. 4888
Jim Matheson (R-2)
Representative James P. Moran (D), Chairman, HA
Maria Cantwell (D), PLF
Patty Murray (D)
Norman Dicks (D-6), HIA
Doc Hastings (R-4), NR, Introduced and championed H.R. 4888, Lead signer of CBO Letter
Jay Inslee (D-1), NPFPL
Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-5), Cosponsor, H.R. 4888
Senator Herb Kohl (D), SIA
Tammy Baldwin (D-2), Cosponsor, H.R. 4888
Ron Kind (D-3), NPFPL
John Barrasso (R), Ranking, PLF, Cosponsor, 2009 Moratorium Resolution
Michael B. Enzi (R)
Representative Cynthia M. Lummis (R-1), NPFPL, Cosponsor, H.R. 4888
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