That said, the Cabin Program still faces a big challenge in 2012 if our bill does not pass in 2011 or another form of fee relief for 2012 fails. Fully 15% of our cabin neighbors (yes, people just like you and me) across the country face 2012 CUFFA permit fees that exceed their ability to stay in the Program. Attempts at selling are anticipated. Some family cabins will sell, but most will not, given the obstacles of untenable fees and the bleak real estate market. Determined efforts to address this problem are ongoing. In a recent face to face meeting, Forest Service Chief Tidwell acknowledged the urgent need to resolve the cabin fee issue and the potential challenging impact of 2012 fees. Similar discussions have occurred with many Congressional members, as well. However, at this point, the outcome is not clear.
To support these cabin owners and defend the long term viability of the Program,
grassroots action is needed NOW! Please contact your Senators listed below
urging them to cosponsor and support S.1906, the Cabin Fee Act of 2011.
Send the message by email or through each Senator's website. Phone calls are even better. Personalize your message. Direct contact information is available at: Another great contact information website is
All Senators, in all states should be asked to support S.1906. However, key Senators sit on the Energy and Natural Resources (ENR) committee and the Public Lands and Forests (PLF) subcommittee and are listed below by seniority. All these people should be contacted, but the Senators denoted with a "*" are a must! It should be noted that Senators Barrasso and Risch are original cosponsors of S. 1906 and should be thanked by their cabin owner constituents. Let's stand firmly united behind all cabin owners and get the CFA passed NOW! Please act today.
Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee Members
Democrats | Republicans |
*Jeff Bingaman (NM) - Chairman | *Lisa Murkowski (AK) - Ranking |
*Ron Wyden (OR) (PLF, Chairman) | *John Barrasso (WY) (PLF- Ranking) |
*Tim Johnson (SD) (PLF) | *James E. Risch (ID) (PLF) |
Mary L. Landrieu (LA) (PLF) | *Mike Lee (UT) (PLF) |
*Maria Cantwell (WA) (PLF) | Rand Paul (KY) (PLF) |
Bernard Sanders (I-VT) | Daniel Coats (IN) |
*Debbie Stabenow (MI) | Rob Portman (OH) (PLF) |
*Mark Udall (CO) (PLF) | John Hoeven (ND) (PLF) |
Jeanne Shaheen (NH) (PLF) | *Dean Heller (NV) (PLF) |
*Al Franken (MN) (PLF) | *Bob Corker (TN) |
Joe Manchin (WV) | |
Christopher A. Coons (DE) (PLF) |
Finally, a plea for additional fund raising:
Below is a summary of C2 revenue and expenses over the past 4 years. As we enter a fifth year lobbying, travel and communication expenses continue and additional funding is needed. We are projecting $100,000 will be needed in 2012. Please consider making a personal donation to the C2 effort ($50, $100 or more would be appreciated). Also, urge your tract association to contribute, as well. Once we get the bill passed, we will still need to monitor the development of the Rules and Regulations that will implement the law. That too will require funding.
Cabin Coalition 2 Financial Summary
(Jan. 1, 2008 through Oct. 31, 2011)
Individual Donations | $148,922 | Advocate Contracts | $281,670 |
Tract Donations | $124,451 | Travel & Lodging | $55,544 |
NFH Contribution | $100,000 | Printing & Postage | $29,833 |
Partner Donations | $43,350 | Conference Calls | $22,114 |
| Legal/Professional Fees | $7,882 | |
TOTAL | $416,723 | TOTAL | $397,043 |
Please write C2 donation on the memo line and send your donation to:
Ms. Barbara Warnock, NFH Database Mgr., 541 West Santa Clara Ave, Santa Ana, CA 92706
(Work) 714-836-7442, (Fax) 714-547-1774, (Email)
Thank you for being engaged in this challenge. Working together we will achieve success!
Best to All,
Pete BaileyC2 Legislative Contact chair
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